Freedom Fridays: President Barack Obama, please grant clemency to Danielle Metz
February 9, 2015I was incarcerated with Danille Metz years ago when I was in Dublin Federal Prison. Our cases were similar with the exception of I was sentenced to 24.5 years with a release date of 2016, while Danielle was sentenced to LIFE with a release date until DEATH!
She has been in prison for over 21 years on her first offense ever.
This is Danielle’s daughter.
Danielle has 2 children. Her daughter was 4 and her son was 8 when she was taken away from them. Now they are both over 25 years old.
Her address: Dublin, FCI Danielle Metz, #24803-013 Unit A, 5701 – 8th St., Dublin, CA 94568
Please read more about Danielle Metz.
For Freedom Fridays, the next few weeks, I’m going to focus on women who I was incarcerated with who deserved their freedom NOW!
#survivorsguilt #freedomnow #MrPresidentYouCanDoClemency
January 16th, 2016 at 12:48 am
I truly want to know, how can I do? Who can I write to, what can I post, join, anything. How can I help?
February 2nd, 2016 at 11:17 am
This is a horrible story and definitely an injustice. I pray that the state of LA grants Clemency on her behalf for this is a first time offender who was abused and scared. She sacrificed for her children to protect them. Let her free she has served her time.
February 3rd, 2016 at 6:38 pm
Free Danielle Metz