Long Awaited Victories…
June 13, 2011Sunday night after the Dallas v. Miami Championship game, although I was rooting for Miami, I was happy for Jason Kidd. He was finally able to receive a championship ring after 17 years of playing in the NBA.
I watched him as he was being interviewed after the game and the reporter asked him one question:
Mr. Kidd, you’ve been on a few teams for a few years in this league. What set this one apart and enabled it to win a championship? JASON KIDD: I think adversity.
Adversity…is something that we all have experienced, some situations worse than others. It has taken me over ten years to finally get my story of adversity out and in print. Ultimately, my release from prison was like Jason Kidd said last night, “”Man, it’s a dream come true.” Regardless of the situation, if you are able to stay afloat, move forward, allow your misfortune to build character and have faith that things will get better, whether you’re Jason Kidd or someone like me, you will always come out a champion!
May 8th, 2012 at 4:05 am
Kemba –
I agree…Success results from diligence in facing adversity, by knowing you possess all the traits to fact adversity and prevail. We accomplish that in all aspects of our lives…
On another note, I was one of the Hampton alumna that wrote a letter to you in Danbury after reading your Emerge article. I remember (and was so happy) Pres. Clinton restored your life.
I bought and loved your book. I was very moved by your honesty. In particular, the ending message to your son regarding his father. Children should have positive images of their parents. You are a role model to so many. Keep up the charge!to bring justice to the ladies incarcerated under the same circumstances as you were. There are many of us willing to help also… Just shout the order and lead the march.
January 9th, 2013 at 3:13 pm
Thank you Regina for the support! I truly appreciate it!
September 7th, 2012 at 4:18 pm
I just had an opportunity to listen to Mrs. Pradia speak to our student body. I thought her thoughts and the undressing of the accounts of her life was relavent to the students at our institution. Simply put, Aspirations, Academics and Associations are the key to success. I thank you for sharing your experience with our students.
January 9th, 2013 at 3:13 pm
Calvin, this is soooo late, but thank you for your feedback. I truly appreciate it. Happy New Year to you and everyone at Memorial H.S.
October 4th, 2012 at 5:00 pm
Hello, my name is Kaitlyn. Im a Senior at Hermitage High School, you gave a speech to our school a couple hours ago. You really inspired me. Ive been through some tough situations and you showed me not to dwell on the past, but make your future better. When I was younger I was raped and molested by a family member from the age 6-14. It stopped when I finally said something, and I went to court until I was 16.. then later in high school I started hanging with the wrong crowd and started hanging with drug dealers, watching them do what dealers do. I dated one as well, and he was already on probation. Later last year I got caught at school with alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana… But I learned alot from your speech, Im planning on making my future the brightest that it can be. I just wanted to thank you for enlightening me with your wisdom.
January 9th, 2013 at 3:12 pm
Thank you for sharing your experiences and I hope you are continuing to want to do positive things. How are you?
January 9th, 2013 at 3:08 pm
September 25th, 2014 at 5:22 pm
Deares Kemba,
I attended the sister to sister conference at CLC. My daughter Crystal share a workshop. Thank you for your courage and for the eloquence in which you told your story. Only God could have used this for good. I purchased your book and read it in 2 days. I have been sharing it every since with co-workers family, and my church. I pray that you are encoraged to continue this good work and that you will know that you have saved some. My entire family attended, my son, my other daughter and my husband. We left with a new understanding and compassion for your fight. May the Lord continue to bless you and your family and my He open more doors for you.
October 24th, 2014 at 3:51 pm
First, I want to say how proud I am of you!! Your book definitely speaks about “Perseverance and Uplift”. The success that you have is do to the experience that you have faced through a segment of your life where most of our young men and women would fall short… I am very blessed to have known you as a childhood friend… Our students will be at your event this Thursday. It will be for their convocation ceremony. I have been spreading the word about your life to these young men and women.. They can’t wait to hear you speak..
I will be out of town next week, so I will not be in attendance.
Be Blessed Kemba!!!